Is Netflix Causing You Back Pain?
Have you ever binged watched tv as much as you did in 2020? Maybe that trend has not eased up in 2021. If watching a series is your thing, it is easy now to get into this pattern of sitting down to watch one episode on tv and ending up still watching in that same position hours later.
Gone are the days of TV where one would actually have to get out of their chair or off the couch to change the channel or for that matter commercials with the use of the remote. With the influx on Netflix, Hulu, Apple TV, etc. it is much easier to sit down and watch an entire season of shows. I am not against any of these companies or even some of the great entertainment they can provide but it has the potential to be hard on the back.
Let’s take a moment to think about how you sit when you watch TV. Are you curled up in a ball on the couch or slouching in a soft chair? When our spines are in this position we have typically taken out the natural curve in the lumbar spine because the pelvis is in a posterior tilt. The upper spine might also be in flexion which means in a rounded position. Why does this matter? Because the muscles along one side of the body get and stay in a contracted position while the other side of the body the stay in an elongated position. The spine and muscular system has a unique design to support the body. When the muscles do not stay in balance with strength and elasticity combined they cannot do their job of support. A spine out of alignment can press on nerves and create pain.
So you don’t want to stop watching your favorite series . . . get up and move!
Try creating your own “movement commercial breaks” even though there are not any commercials on your screen.
HIT THE PAUSE BUTTON. Get up and stretch, walk around your room, do a plank pose for 30-60 seconds, go get a glass of water and drink it… you get the idea. Also be mindful of your posture on the couch or chair. Sometimes something as simple as a rolled towel or blanket behind your spine can help you sit up straight.
It just takes a bit of effort to support your body so you can feel and live better in your body. Lets raise our awareness with our “practice off the mat”.
Shanti, Shanti, Shanti